What to Expect

Stephanie Daigre, MFT

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. 

                                            ~ Martin Buber

Therapy is a collaborative relationship, as individual as the people in the room.  Often the work involves slowing down and creating a secure space for being open, curious and able to revisit and make sense of thoughts, mem­ories and feelings that give rise to pre­sent difficulties.

Sometimes insight alone can be freeing.  Typically, real change in­volves putting insight to work, taking risks and letting go of habitual ways of seeing ourselves and ourselves in the world in relation to others.

What can you expect from me?  I imagine how it feels to be you.  I’m interested in your thoughts, beliefs and what matters to you.  I may ask you to slow down or stay focused on a particular emotion or event.  I help you under­stand, regulate and positively re­direct emotion, especially when feelings arising from painful or traumatic experi­ences threaten to over­whelm. 

I notice when you might over­look some­thing important.  I’m espec­ially attentive to your higher powers of perception and positive self-determin­ation.  I’m kind when you are too hard on yourself, and I know when and how to assert and ally myself with you in a crisis. ​Together we resolve present-day problems with roots in the past.  We identify and you learn to change patterns that produce familiar and unwanted results so you are freer to choose the life you want.